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Weekly Writing Activity | 1

Michael J Griswold

This weeks Writers:

  • Victor Pierz

  • ?

  • Bryan Romero

  • Immanuel Ibon

  • Emerson Valentin

  • Mike Griswold




The Joker Baby - “I’m the Joker Baby!” toddler joker causing trouble in Gotham like Baby’s Day Out and Batman has to keep saving him. Haryln Fisher -



During the war, they offered you and your like company a journey down the rabbit hole. Certain it was a suicide mission you took the job anyway, for the greater good of humanity. It fell well below the ground. You walked with your party, all of you, scared, but brave, you ventured on. An hour of talk and walk, nothing yet. You think about your past, your training. You don’t feel prepared, no one along you does. You march and feel a chill. Ahead of your party, you look back to notice someone missing. You panic, they slipped silently out of sight. Calling for their name only sends your mind into more stress. No response. A pain overtakes you, your company feels it too. Down a member you press on anyway, finding nothing but a bloody dog tag it pushes you onward with fear and less hope. You scramble to keep the party together, anger overtakes your emotions for a moment just to get them in line, but as you scold them, something catches your eye. It frightens you speechless. Your party stares at you as an evil presentness becomes clear, hovering over them. No one thinks to look at your fear until someone gets hurt, pulled from the ground, and into the jaws of an unholy beast. It towered over all of you and devoured your part members head in front of all in one massive bite. Your feet couldn't move fast enough. The monster was hungry, giving you all time to leave without a scratch. Your pace was fast, managing to stay ahead of everyone you were the first to an opening that led to a larger room. You all rested there for a moment. You leaned against the wall breathing heavily you can’t catch any air. In fact, you start to choke on the inability. Your knees hit the floor. Your dungeon mates go to aid you, but you force them away with an unknown strength. You look down at your arm. The hairs their grow and your nails stagger to a monstrous length. You feel your chest fall and ribs break as you become the monster you all saw seconds ago.



The ladybug moves across the leaf. They munch on the leaf and remember those creatures it never liked, those who move on the ground. Spiders, aphids, grasshoppers, none are safe from those 6 legged creatures. Ants. Moving in packs, they are killing machines. They can climb up stems as well which is problematic for the ladybug. The ladybug once met a bee while sitting in a rosebud, they only looked at each other for a couple seconds before suddenly the creatures stormed the flower and prevented the bee from flying away. They took the bee away using their man force and the ladybug somehow managed to be avoided. The ladybug now looks down the leaf. The creatures had started to gather below. Almost like a commotion had happened. The ladybug was curious why and if they saw them on the leaf. Suddenly they felt vibrations coming from the stem of the plant. They looked behind them to see the ants peaking their heads up the stem and coming one by one onto the leaf. The ladybug remembered it’s bee friend and how it failed to escape, not wanting to hesitate and make the same mistake, it moved its feet to prepare to take off. The ants moved toward it, curious, the ladybug batted its wings and flew away. The ants find nothing and the ladybug finds another reason to live.



“So you’re telling me,” Randy closed his eyes and paused, “that you can move things with your mind?”

“Not so loud,” I whispered.

“Who is going to care?”

“It’s a pretty big deal.”

“It sounds unbelievable.”

I focused on the salt shaker that stood between us and took a deep breath. Randy was a good guy but he was not easily convinced. Honestly, I wasn’t sure that moving the salt shaker would be enough. In any case, I needed him on board. I felt my stomach warm and my arms tingle.

“Watch this.”

The salt shaker twitched and dramatically fell onto its side like a brushed bowling pin. The warmth and the tingle escaped my body. I looked at Randy, expecting a doubtful sneer and a smart comment, but I received nothing. For the first time since I’ve met him Randy was left speechless.

“I… I..” Randy shook his head. “Holy shit.”

“Yeah, I ju--”

Randy shot up from his chair and surveilled the restaurant. He took out his wallet and threw a twenty-dollar bill onto the red diner table. I looked around trying to see what he was trying to see.

“We have to go.” Randy said with an edge that I’ve never heard before.

“What’s going on?”

“We have to go.” Randy grabbed my arm and nearly pulled it from the socket.

“What the fu--”

Suddenly the glass crashed around us. The small restaurant was filled with screams and yells. I dropped to my knees and tucked into myself. Randy got down on a knee and whispered to me.

“When you get the signal, I need you to get up and run as fast as you can.” He patted me on the back. “Don’t think. Just run.”

Before the words registered in my brain, Randy shot back up with his hands around the back of his head, like he was getting arrested. The sound of heavy boots beat across the linoleum. Randy faced the source of the sound and smiled.

“Where is he?” A deep, garbled voice sounded from somewhere in the restaurant.

“Where is who?” Randy was never good at improv. “Who is where? Who are we?”

“Don’t waste my time, Operative 447.” The voice was not amused. “Where is he?”

Randy shot me a wink. Ready? His voice rang from inside my head. I don’t have much time to explain but trust me.

“Look, man,” Randy lowered his arms, “I just came in here to order some fries and a shake.” He clenched his fists. Shards around his feet began to vibrate and a breeze seemed to flow from the outside into him.

“Last chance operative,” The voice was louder now.

“I know,” Randy smirked. He shot both fists forward and a shockwave crackled throughout the restaurant. There was a loud thud as a heavy body crashed against the drywall. His eyes were glowing now. From the distance, loud sirens sounded. But for a moment, the inside of this restaurant was peaceful. I looked at Randy. He looked at me.

A laser dot appeared on his chest. There was a crack, and he fell. And from the void, a strained voice sounded inside my skull.




Listen I’m still not over marvel having their new characters being non-ninary that are called “Snowflake” and “Safespace” and just like??? The entire new gen is….yikes



It is unknown where she is going, nor where she comes from. It is said that she emerged from the fabled brrow118, others say she came from the north, just beyond the wastelands. Others believe her to be the product of war, meant for combat and destruction. No one person knows her origins, nor has anyone lived to tell it. For it is said The Lone Wanderer travels from settlement to settlement, from the far off capital wasteland to the chaotic waste of the Mojave. No one knows why she travels


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